During your stay
For some useful information while staying in our accommodation, click here.
Important contacts for accommodation related queries during your stay at The University of Edinburgh
Department | Type of enquiry | Contact |
Student accommodation | For any general enquiries about your application or allocation of University accommodation. |
Email: housingenquiries@ed.ac.uk |
Rent payment section | For any queries relating to payment of your University accommodation. |
Contact: Accommodation Support Form |
Residence Life | Contact the Residence Life team if you have any welfare concerns or if you wish to make a complaint. |
Contact: Accommodation Support Form Email: accom.reslife@ed.ac.uk |
Property Team | For any concerns with your accommodation cleanliness or maintenance and repair issues. |
Contact: Accommodation Support Form Self Catered Accommodation Tel:+44 (0)131 651 2162 Continuing properties accommodation Tel: +44 (0)131 651 2130 Campus Accommodation Tel: +44 (0)131 651 2068 |
EAP enquiries | Accommodation application enquiries for those doing an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) pre-sessional course. |
Email: accom.eap@ed.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0)131 651 2042 |
Internet and telephony | Provided by Resnet. Find out more on the main University website. | |
Accommodation, Catering and Events Security | Our security staff aim to provide a safe, secure and supportive environment for all students, staff and visitors. They are available to assist with all aspects of living in accommodation, including crime prevention, or, should it occur, the reporting of a crime or incident that takes place on Accommodation, Catering and Events premises. Any victim of a crime should always report this to local police on +44 (0)131 311 3131 or 101. |
Email: security24-7@ed.ac.uk Tel:+44 (0)131 667 1971 or 0 from your room telephone. In the event of an emergency contact 0131 651 2060 or 6666. |
Pollock Halls Reception Centre | Pollock Halls Reception Centre is available for enquiries 24 hours a day, either by our full-time reception staff or (out of office hours) by our Security Team. | Tel: +44(0)131 667 1971 |
Accommodation fees
All tenancies are on a 'sole and several' basis, which means that each tenant is responsible for his or her own rent payments only.
When you accepted your offer of accommodation, unless you settled your accommodation fees upfront, you would have agreed to pay these fees by instalments by Direct Debit or Recurring card Payment monthly or termly, all instalments will be collected automatically using the details you provided when you signed your contract unless stated otherwise.
The payment date for our 2021/22 academic year is the 1st of the month or the nearest working day after this date. If there were to be any changes made on our payment collection date, we would notify you at least 10 working days in advance.
All answers to our most frequently asked questions, such as how to make a payment, change your method of payment or view your instalment plan can be found here:
Rent payments
If you are experiencing financial difficulties, you should arrange to speak to someone from the Rent Payment Section as soon as you can and at least 10 working days prior your payment is due if you wish to request a postponement of an instalment. You can contact the Rent Payment Section:
By phone on 0131 651 2118
By email at accom.rentenquiries@ed.ac.uk
Students who do not pay as expected are considered to have defaulted on their legal obligation and arrears action will be taken.
Reminders, sent to University student email account, should not be ignored. Even if you think the reminder has been sent in error, please do get in touch with us.
Our team will at all times seek to be sympathetic to and understanding of each individual student's financial circumstances.
If you are receiving financial help from family, friends or similar please ensure they are aware of payment amounts and dates as this will not be considered a reason for delaying payment.
Bank accounts
Fundamental to organising your finances non-UK Residents should note that it may take up to three or four weeks after your arrival in the UK to open a bank account.
What you will need:
- Confirmation of your UK address (you will be able to print an approved letter for the bank from your MyEd record once you have checked into your accommodation).
- Passport, or driving licence if you are a UK resident.
- Visa (if applicable)
- Unconditional letter of acceptance.
You can use your bank account to set up a Direct Debit mandate so the money due for your rent will be collected automatically. Please note you will be required to set up a recurring card payment before you arrive which can then be changed once you have a UK bank account of payment amounts and dates as this will not be considered a reason for delaying payment.
Go green - travel by bus
The University is served by a comprehensive network of buses which are largely provided by Lothian Buses.